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710 Baronne St. was originally constructed as an auto showroom on the ground floor and offices above.  In the 1950's, the first floor was converted to commercial spaces and the second floor was converted to a rooming house.

The project called for restoration of the exterior with the exception of the installation of a glass and aluminum store-front  system on the ground floor.  The entire interior was demolished except for the center load bearing fire wall which was penetrated by three openings in the Palladian motive.  The center one being larger and framing a double rise to single monumental staircase lighted from above by an octagonal skylight.  The ground floor is a showroom and sales cubicles for office furniture.  Five separate ceiling configurations and two colonnades divide these two large rooms allowing a variety of furniture displays.  The stairwell opening is surrounded on three sides by a balcony that links a common core of conference room, restrooms, lunch room, and exiting to a roof top deck overlooking parking and the CBD.  The downtown side of the second floor houses an insurance company.  One enters a large office arena surrounded on three sides by private offices separated from the arena by wood and glass paneled walls.  The uptown side is the furniture store's offices "in use" showrooms, a design studio and two small conference rooms. Service entry for the furniture company and a private entry for the tenants is at the rear, via a side street parking lot, new steel stairs provide access to the second floor.

Anchor 1
A.D Wynne Company
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